Release Notes
New features, bug fixes and changes to System platform.
System v1.25-beta
Removing a topic from a metric does not work
Left border is missing from the "Welcome to System" popup modal
Updated social share image
Updates to Evidence Cards for Get to Source Faster
Metric selector flip icon and functionality
Add what's new panel to System (scaffold)
System v1.23-beta
undefined in parsed dates
The Study page flickers between old and new
Topics should pre-populate when you edit evidence
"Create new metric" flow for Add Evidence
Change AutoScaleAlarm CPU Utilization metric expression to CPU > 85
System v1.22-beta
Evidence Form - When expanding Additional fields, should scroll
Add new evidence breaks page
Adding Authors is not working
Add CTA button, edit in graph context on editable Study
Add Evidence Relationship modal
Relationship Selector Component
Convert Metric Page to GraphQL
Author names on the Study page should link out by orcid
Remove the lambda_handlers.fetch_concept_graph lambda
System v1.21-beta
Error during apply-schema-dev when deploying System
Add evidence from topic page
Add incremental backup option to sysdb cli tool
Maintenance page switch
Topic search input should boost our catalog topics
Remove R Client Generation on CircleCI
Set the autoscaling alarm threshold for memory utilization to 99
Make Study editable
Show edges on the graph for unstandardized feature contribution types
System v1.20-beta
Long metric and feature names cause feature-card stretching
Missing API endpoints for roles and invites routes
Add PubMed client to pull in suggested evidence information
Add Call to Action (CTA) button to the Study page
Add evidence cards to the Study
Create a new Study page
Add evidence modal
Pull request template to front-end
Add evidence from the metric page
Add log-level, level-log, and elasticity to backend schema
Elasticity Feature Contribution Type (and others)
Database Backup monitoring
Upgraded Staging & Production database
Upgraded SystemDB CLI
Convert Topic Page & Topic Card to GraphQL
Revised Study page container
Switch to the new study page via the DOI field
System v1.19-beta
last_interaction_on field is not working for enterprise services
Make correlation associations bidirectional if lag=0
Align catalog full-width breakpoint with mobile chrome change
The share button should also copy the view_context parameter
Add statistics does not let you swap metrics
Cannot easily remove a metric once added to a relationship
Add data pull for candidate evidence based on topic name
Add candidate evidence client
Suggested Evidence Cards
Add Evidence from Source Modal
Modify candidate evidence service to filter by topic and metric name
Lookup DOI Component
System v1.18-beta
Metadata service not picking up integration configurations
Added missing integration routes
Ensure p-value check is robust to 0
Create backend service for frontend to be able to pull information extractor blob
Integration manager - fetch integrations from the team endpoints
Constrain the Add Statistic in frontend write to only have one primary association
System v1.17-beta
Time series association object missing CIs for non-max/min lag values
Broken links to metric pages on dataset metric matching console
As a user, I would like to see lag analysis in the frontend
Show lag statistics in feature interaction card
Add plot in evidence card for lag statistics
Update sentence in evidence card for lag statistics
System v1.16-beta
Speed up search by not making subsequent Dgraph requests
Strength and Sign Hovers refer to Data not in the Relationship
directed_at_feature_ids field is null on time series associations
Add lag analysis explanation tooltips
Add (lagged) to the feature and metric names in the evidence card
Add Standardized Differences to ValueType in natural language evidence sentences
Convert Model Page to GraphQL
Update evidence card statistic with lag values (and hover)
As a user, I want a better experience viewing long time series datasets
Update Retrieval to return proper directionality/time unit on time series Association objects - Rank metric candidates using clinical trials data
System v1.15-beta
Typo in Pearson correlation summary sentence
ngram for Metric and Topic alias search
System for Mobile
As a user, I want a better experience viewing long time series datasets
System v1.14-beta
Topic and Metric URLs use slugs in addition to ids
Separate team's lambda's logs into separate endpoints
System v1.13-beta
Highlighted search term text in the Dataset card is overlapping with the “Available Formats” section header
Deploy-user-api deployment issues
deploy-beta-frontend-production fails on invalidating cache
As a contributor, when matching metrics to topics, I would like to see a clean Wikidata concept list (currently the list includes journals, articles, disambiguation pages, etc.
Social share image change
System v1.12-beta
When editing relationship evidence from the project page, should take you to add flow with relationship expanded
Topic List on Index
Topic/Metric page title in HTML metatags
As a System Python client user, I would like to see CatBoost as an option when adding a model
Statistical Types in alphabetical order
The confidence interval should show the lower bound first
Don't burry confidence interval button
System v1.04-beta
The "are you sure" modal is not scrollable and does not allow write for metrics
Statistic Values are Automatically Adjusted Lower
Metrics jump (e.g. putting a card in Metric 1 will sometimes jump to Metric 2)
Model Conversion Bug
Fix regression standardization in CLI
Handle Dates not as Timestamps
CC logo on left nav should link out to CC license page
As a catalog user, I want to know the exact errors that have occurred during retrieval and not just that there was an error
Add Forest Plot to Evidence Cards
Package extractor code
Frontend snippet for adding models through CSV
Topic graph should show all matched metrics, and not just metrics with strong relationships
Feature Page Refresh
Ensure direction/metric order is set the same across all components
System v1.03-beta
API [prod-system] stage [prod] GET /view/ooux/public : p99 > 3s
Project GraphQL query returns undefined
Topic Search to include Metrics
As a System client user, I would like to see Cohen's d generated for my models
Consolidate Python Client's StatInference with MLSession
Create bulk project - authors relationship endpoint
System v1.02-beta
Chris's Nan Badge bug
Retrieval Fetch/List Associations Bug
As a System Python client user, I would like to see standardized beta coefficients for models added through CSV and stats models
Show no results copy when no search results
Clean up unused code in python client
Last updated
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