Which mechanistic relationship types do we extract/ingest from scientific literature and databases?

We use the open source INDRA Statement data model to store mechanistic relationships in the biological domain. We currently support the following relationship types:

  • Acetylation

  • Activation

  • Complex

  • Conversion

  • Deacetylation

  • DecreaseAmount

  • Defarnesylation

  • Degeranylgeranylation

  • Deglycosylation

  • Dehydroxylation

  • Demethylation

  • Demyristoylation

  • Depalmitoylation

  • Dephosphorylation

  • Deribosylation

  • Desumoylation

  • Deubiquitination

  • Farnesylation

  • Geranylgeranylation

  • Glycosylation

  • Hydroxylation

  • IncreaseAmount

  • Inhibition

  • Methylation

  • Modification

  • Myristoylation

  • Palmitoylation

  • Phosphorylation

  • Ribosylation

  • Sumoylation

  • Translocation

  • Ubiquitination

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